Columbus2020 visit to Brainport Industry Campus

On 1 November Columbus2020, the economic development organisation for Columbus, Ohio had a very successful visit to the Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven and the Automotive Campus (AC) in the Netherlands. These are two initiatives in  the Eindhoven region that have been set up in collaboration with the City of Eindhoven, the Province, the local industry and the education systems in the region. In both initiatives collaboration between companies, government and knowledge centers is key.

The BIC is a 200 ha site conceived for the “factory of the future” with in its first phase a building of +100.000 sqm of which 65% is prelet. High tech suppliers to the technology industry can locate in the BIC and benefit from an ecosystem of collaboration, research and open innovation.

The AC is the Dutch centre of gravity in the field of automotive technology. Focus is on Green Mobility, Smart Mobility, Materials & Design and Smart Manufacturing. Today there are 45 companies with 650 jobs and they hope to have 1000 jobs by the ned of next year.